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“Having It All” in the Modern World: Work, Family, and the Challenge of Competing Commitments

Feminism once promised to usher in a world where high-achieving individuals—especially women—could “have it all,” pursuing a glittering career while also raising a family. But in recent years it has become increasingly apparent that this goal remains difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. How should students think about balancing work, parenthood, and other seemingly exclusive commitments over the course of their lives? Are there changes we can promote as a society to make the perfect balance achievable, or will our professional and personal lives always be inherently at odds? Join Natalie Hannan (Providence College) for a dinner discussion of recent work by women scholars on jobs, family life, and what it would mean to have it all.

In anticipation of this discussion section, we will be reading two articles: “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” by Anne-Marie Slaughter and “No Happy Harmony” by Elizabeth C. Corey.