Wrestling with Relativism
The problem of relativism has presented itself ever since Herodotus introduced his readers to the astounding variety of religious beliefs and moral judgements among human communities. Philosophers soon began to consider the proposition that there is no objective truth and falsity, right and wrong, but that all of these are products of different conventions and cannot apply beyond the contexts in which they originated. Indeed, relativism seems to be an intuitive response to the fact of cultural diversity. But it also seems to carry troubling implications for promoting justice, negotiating disagreements, and leading one's life with purpose and integrity. In this seminar series we will consider relativism in relation to two questions. First, is relativism ultimately the reality of the human condition, or are there realities and moral norms that we can discern as objectively true? And second, is there a way to maintain robust philosophical, religious, and moral convictions in a way that navigates between relativism and ideology?
In the first seminar, Dr. Katja Vogt (Columbia) will discuss one of the earliest debates over relativism in the West, that between Plato and Protagoras. Dr. Richard John (Columbia) will then discuss Isaiah Berlin's controversial formulation of value pluralism in the twentieth century. Dr. Michele Moody-Adams (Columbia) will discuss relativism in contemporary moral philosophy and her own intervention in this debate. Dr. Matthew Rose (Morningside) will discuss Richard Rorty's advocacy of relativism as indispensable for a liberal society. Finally, Dr. Nathaniel Peters (Morningside) will discuss C. S. Lewis' warning that a society in which relativism finds general acceptance will gradually lose what makes it human. Join us for this series of dinner discussions and virtual seminars, and bring your friends! It is open to undergraduates, graduate students, and recent graduates.
Wednesday, Oct 13 at 8 PM: Virtual seminar with Dr. Katja Vogt (Columbia) on Plato and Protagoras
Thursday, Oct 28 at 6 PM: Dinner discussion with Dr. Richard John (Columbia) on Isaiah Berlin’s Crooked Timber of Humanity
Monday, Nov 8 at 8 PM: Virtual seminar with Dr. Michele Moody-Adams (Columbia) on Fieldwork in Familiar Places: Morality, Culture, and Philosophy
Wednesday, Nov 17 at 6 PM: Dinner discussion with Dr. Matthew Rose (Morningside) on Richard Rorty
Tuesday, Nov 30 at 6 PM: Dinner discussion with Dr. Nathaniel Peters (Morningside) on The Abolition of Man
Sign up for individual events via the links below.