The Morningside Institute brings scholars and students together to examine human life beyond the classroom and consider its deepest questions through the life of New York City.
Join Professor Dhananjay Jagannathan (Columbia) for a discussion of what belongs to us, and what does not.
Join Professors Richard John and Casey Blake (Columbia) for this dinner seminar series on Democracy and Solidarity.
Join Amogha Sahu (Columbia) for a conversation about Simone Weil’s proposal to under-gird science and the world with the sacred.
Join Stephen Bullivant, Antón Barba-Kay, and Angel Adams Parham for papers on the radical changes that Western societies are undergoing on the first day of Living Well at the End of a World.
Join Bishop Erik Varden, James Hankins, and Sarah Shortall as we explore historical examples of how communities have navigated periods of intense cultural change and even devastation on the second day of Living Well at the End of a World.
Join Morningside and philosopher Dan Addison for a seminar series with working professionals on ethics in work and everyday life.
Join Professors Richard John and Casey Blake (Columbia) for this dinner seminar series on Democracy and Solidarity.
Join Professor Teodolinda Barolini for a dinner lecture on what it is to act freely in Dante and Aristotle.