The Morningside Institute brings scholars and students together to examine human life beyond the classroom and consider its deepest questions through the life of New York City.
Join Nate Ijams (Morningside) for a discussion of Wendell Berry’s conception of the immeasurable goods of life: things too great, too small, or too unusual to be valued by standard economic models.
Join Justin Hawkins (CUIMC) for a dinner seminar on finding a theory of dignity that relies on something more fundamental than accomplishment.
Join Anthony Hejduk (Columbia) for a conversation about rootedness and how its absence in industrial life contributed to the crises Simone Weil observed.
Join Nate Ijams (Morningside) for a discussion of Wendell Berry’s conception of the immeasurable goods of life: things too great, too small, or too unusual to be valued by standard economic models.
Join us for a conversation with Ross Douthat (New York Times), one of America’s most respected commentators on religion and public life.
Join Taylor Pincin (Columbia) for this dinner seminar about the four causes, why they matter, and what might unify them
Join Amogha Sahu (Columbia) for a conversation about Simone Weil’s attempt to synthesize spiritual and political thought.
Join Professor Nicholas Chong (Rutgers) for a pre-opera discussion of Fidelio and the Enlightenment’s view of freedom.